The Creator-Consultant Blueprint: The 5 Biggest Mistakes You Will Make Trying to Hit Your First $10k Month (That Lead to Unrewarding Client Work, Courses that Don’t Sell & 60+ Hour Workweeks)

(From Someone with 10 Years Ghostwriting for Creators & Experts)

The 5 biggest mistakes creator-consultants make trying to grow & work for themselves full-time (and how to easily avoid them)15 actionable tips to sell more courses and close more clients… The RIGHT wayAnd 7 examples of successful creator-consultants who made the leap (to show that you can do it, too!)This free email course helps you avoid the major missteps so you can FINALLY go full-time on your creator business.

Everything you need to get to your first $10k month (and start the clock to become a full-time creator-consultant)

Written by Roxine Kee – 10 years of writing online. 9+ years as a premium ghostwriter for your favourite productivity creators & ecommerce experts.

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Here's everything that's inside:

Mistake #1: Trying to Monetize with Digital Products Too Early… and Why This Means You Have to Wait Even Longer for Digital Sales to Pay the BillsMistake #2: Trying to Hit Your First $10k Month Without Offering a Clear “Done-For-You” Service… and Why This Leads to Grinding 40+ Hours a Week Just to Make Ends Meet (Instead of Doing What You Love)Mistake #3: Trying to Hit Your First $10k Month with a Newsletter… and Why This Leads to Wasting 10+ Hours a Week on an Asset That Gets Zero Conversions and Has Zero Revenue ImpactMistake #4: Trying to Hit Your First $10k Month Without Spending Time on Shortform Social Content… and Why This Leads to Wasted Time Educating (Rather than Closing) On Sales CallsMistake #5: Trying to Do Everything at Once… and Why This Leads to Working 50+ Hours a Week to Keep up with Content and Client Demands, with No End in Sight

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